An experience like no other

The best caviar is always the one that is fresh, natural, original ... by ANNA Dutch. Top quality caviar, produced with passion, knowledge and craftsmanship that have been passed on from generation to generation in a famous family of the classic Caspian caviar industry. ANNA Dutch produces several flavours of premium natural black caviar prepared according to long forgotten and authentic recipes without any preservatives. Caviar as caviar is meant to be.

Caviar Collection

Top quality caviar, produced with passion, knowledge and craftsmanship that have been passed on from generation to generation in a famous family of the classic Caspian caviar industry.
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  • - Irina Shayk

    “I'm Russian: I'm into men, diamonds, and caviar.”

  • - ANNA Dutch

    "Caspian fishermen dream of catching a great Beluga - it is tantamount to finding a diamond in the desert."

  • - Henry Ford

    “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”

Roe collection

We proudly present ANNA Dutch Salmon & Trout roe created in perfect conditions by nature and skilled craftmanship since generations on pure salt.
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Fish Collection

The sturgeon is probably best known for the exquisite delicacy of its roe, marketed as caviar. It also produces dense fillets with an excellent flavour.
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  • Tradition

    I believe in traditions; I believe in the idea of things being passed on to the next generation and in the slow transmission of cultural values through tradition.

  • Quality

    Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.

  • Innovation

    Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.

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